Sunday, January 13, 2008

True Breathairian

I've been prompted to explain my lifestyle commitment to Breatharianism! It is all about the Breath - the Prana. Or is it Praha?

Yes, I did mean to say "Praha" - one of the great cities in the world, where life is beautiful and sumptuous and richly textured and I'm lobbying for Ma-Maa to take me there in our great travels that we are sure to take someday. She has not been there since 1970, which was truly a stupid time to visit because the Communists had clamped down on everything after the Prague Spring and nothing was fun or even funny any more. Maybe Jacqueline will take me there next time she goes - I believe she has had more luck than Ma-Maa in this regard.

But I digress as we foxes tend to do. You see, I live solely on air. It is far better than being just a plain old vegetarian, or a vegan or a live food cultist as Ma-Maa has aspirations for, or a fruitarian. It is the purest of the pure. I don't feed my body any of that toxic stuff called food! Now, it has been explained to me that this path takes a couple years of transitioning with "Yellow" food. But why not eat just purple food? I like purple. Ma-Maa likes purple, grapes and eggplants, and grape soda, and purple cabbage (well maybe not!), and plums, and purple green beans, which doesn't make sense at all, and purple carrots and dark purple beets. Mmmmm -borscht! I could get behind such a plan. And of course, there is chocolate - yes, that is almost purple, isn't it? We foxes tend to be a bit color blind, so you will have to inform me on that one.

Apparently Wiley Brooks, the Founder of the Breatharian Institute of America preaches that we should be eating ONLY McDonald's cheeseburgers and Diet Coke as they are food which will help us transition to the 5th dimensional earth. Poppycock! Ma-Maa's friend Kamalla was a student of his in the 80's in Marin County and it is TRUE, she ran into him in the San Rafael McDonald's eating this absurd diet. I don't see how he has the gall to call himself a TRUE Breatharian. No, I am the truest of the true Breatharians. And nobody has to tell me what dimension I am in because I know from the core of my Being that it is the 17th!

Love Peace Bliss


Saluminous said...

I think those burgers must be made out of purple cows, yes?

writerwinterlight said...

I am so honored that you think, Spuzzie, that I might take you to Praha. If I go, I promise to pack you in my carryon so that you may sit in one of the CSA planes and eat great Breathatarian Czech food and drink great Breathatarian Czech beer with me.

Purple and yellow food? I think I like purple and yellow icing on my cupcakes, yes, that's nice. But as far as going so far as you, oh Spuzzalina, I simply would die if I had to exist on no food at all. I love food.

Also, I love drinks. I like coffee and tea and water and Coca-Cola and limeade and lemonade and wine and what else? Um, I love to drink milk too.

So there you are. And next when I travel to the great Praha(which will be far into the future I am sure)you will have your very own seat on the plane after I unpack you from the carryon. Or maybe I should book you a separate seat? By the window? Let me know your preference.

By the way, tell saluminous that she has a good sense of humor.


Richard Haerr said...

Breatharianism, actually (he said snidely), is a form of Rastafarianism, founded by the Jamaican wisefox Renard Breatha. Look it up on WikiFoxPedia if you don't believe me!

writerwinterlight said...

Look Spuzzy,
If I want to call it Breathatarianism, I will! (she said very snidely right back)'s better than antidisestablishmentarianism.

Richard Haerr said...

Please, please, can we now start a flame war? I am so very very ready for one.
~ Spuzzy

writerwinterlight said...


A flame war sounds so warm and we are all so sick of this cold weather.


One flame to you.


Flower Power said...

Hey Salley! :)

Thanks for visiting my blog and the wonderful comment.

Your Breatharian sounds Indian and I mean Hindu. I got into that a little in the past. right now, I am doing a little of yoga. Much time on the net, though. maybe too much. LOL

Your profile looks great, by the way. Lots and lots of things you put in interests, etc. Good to know you. ;)

It's nice to know an older hippie. We only learn from those who went before us.

Peace. :)
