Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ready to Get Out of Dodge!

Dear Mummy,
Please take me out more. I am so bored sitting in my little basket with Spuzzy. I want to go to Revs, too and eat bonbons at the Chocolate Cafe and sample the licorice and caramels at the At Home Store.

I want to live at Rosie's. I know she'd appreciate me as would all the customers. They'd ooh and ah at my beautiful rusty fur (no animals were harmed in my making) and maybe Rosie or one of the other knitters would knit me some warm booties or a nice perfectly sized sweater and a muffler out of that beautiful wool she keeps in the back room. Oh mummy, I'd like that so so so much.

I want to ride around in your back-pack and go on some grand adventures like we used to. We could go to the Grand Canyon and maybe tour the Pyramids or climb up the Eiffel Tower and then eat fresh chestnut crepes on the banks of the Seine.

Let's take some girl time, go back to my roots, back to England and Bath and that great Georgian architecture. We can take a picnic up to the Royal Crescent and admire the view or maybe soar out over London in the Eye. We've never done that, you know. Then we could go have tea and crumpets or scones and clotted cream at Fortnum & Mason and mingle with the crowds at Buckingham Palace waiting to see the queen or at least, the changing of the guard.

Cabin fevered,

1 comment:

rhaerr said...

ooh, it's not fair that foxes have blogs. they live in bogs! much better to have a dog blog. dog blog yeah!
-- Mervy